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Faculty Positions Available

  Historical Inquiry
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Faculty Positions Available

Department of History, National Taiwan University
Tel: 886-2-3366-4703; Fax: 886-2-2362-0028
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106319 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Email: [email protected];

We welcome applications from the specified fields as follows:
1. World History: with preference to
(1) History of Europe
(2) History of Americas
(3) History of Southeast Asia

2. Chinese History: with preference to
(1) History of Ancient China
(2) History of Wei, Chin, Northern & Southern Dynasties
(3) History of Ming and Qing Dynasties
(4) History of Early Modern and Modern Periods

3. History of Taiwan: with preference to
(1) Early History of Taiwan (the seventeenth century and before)
(2) History of Taiwan of the Nineteenth Century
(3) History of Taiwan under Japanese Rule

I. Requirements: Ph.D. in History.For non-native Chinese speakers, it would be required to have oral and written communication skills in Mandarin Chinese.
II. Initial appointment will start from August 1, 2025.
III. Application materials:

  1. Application form ( Please download)
  2. Curriculum vitae with list of publications
  3. Photocopy of Ph. D. diploma (Candidates who have passed their doctoral defense and have submitted their final dissertation can send a formal temporary diploma issued by their university, noting the Ph. D. degree will be received before July 31, 2025.)
  4. Transcripts of master’s and doctorate degrees (or Enrollment Certificate)
  5. Syllabi for a required course and a special topics course
  6. Statement of research interests
  7. Representative writings (published after August, 2020): 2 or 3 academic works; for the position of assistant professor may submit doctoral dissertation as representative work.
  8. Two letters of recommendation (Please tell your referees to send the recommendation letter with his/her signature in electronic form to the chairperson Prof. Chen at [email protected], and copied to Mr. Hwang at [email protected].)
  9. Supporting publications (if any): works published after August, 2018
  10. Photocopy of Teacher Credentials, and the past/current employment (if any)
  11. Photocopy of R.O.C. ID (both sides), or passport

Application Deadline: June 16, 2024. Applicants shall email all materials (better in PDF) in the above order to [email protected], and copied to [email protected]. If the file is over 10MB, please have it on the cloud and send us the link.A

Applicants shortlisted will be notified to submit 5 hard copies of all the publications, and invited for interviews around November, 2024 (traveling expenses will not be compensated).

Faculty positions_history_NTU_Aug. 2025
Faculty Position Application form

106319 臺北市大安區羅斯福路4段1號  No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan, R.O.C.
電話 (Phone):+886-2-33664700~5 傳真號碼 (Fax):+886-2-2362-0028
聯絡信箱:[email protected]